Daytime Urinary Incontinence in Children

Daytime urinary incontinence is called the involuntary incontinence of the
child while awake. These abductions may be drop-by-drop or wet the place
where it is located. This may vary from child to child.
It is normal for children aged 5 years and older to urinate no more than 7
times a day.
The presence of frequent urination and sudden compression symptoms in the
child is considered as a symptom of the lower urinary system, even if there is
no urinary incontinence, and urinary incontinence treatment is given.

Daytime urinary incontinence is twice as common in girls as in boys.
Approximately 8-10% of children between the ages of 4 and 12 complain of
daytime urinary incontinence.
What is the cause of daytime urinary incontinence?
Daytime urinary incontinence can occur due to many reasons. At the root or
consequence of these causes lies the dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles.
Some of the causes of daytime urinary incontinence are;
– Overactive bladder: In children with overactive bladders, the urge to
urinate comes suddenly and they go to the bathroom too often.
Generally, during sudden compression, behaviors such as squeezing the
pipette with his hand, crossing his feet, sitting on his heel can be seen.

If there is no toilet near the child, he may miss his pee at the last
– Less active bladder: The problem in these children is due to insufficient
contraction of the bladder muscles, which need to work healthily in
order to urinate. Usually, children have the behavior of trying to
urinate by squeezing the abdominal muscles or pressing their hands on
the bladder. Bladder capacities are at least 150% higher than they
should be. Children who have this problem go to the toilet less than 3
times a day. After urination, urine remains inside the child’s bladder.
This can lead to urinary tract infection after a while.
– Dysfunctional voiding: It is usually called abnormal contraction of the
muscles around the anus during urination with an overactive bladder.
When the child is urinating, the pelvic floor muscles normally contract
when they should be relaxing, and intermittent urination occurs. This
can cause urine to remain in the bladder and cause a urinary tract
infection. If left untreated , it can cause serious dysfunction in the
bladder and kidney failure may occur in the future.
– Procrastinating from peeing: Some children get into play while spending
time with friends at school or outside, get lazy, and may delay going to
the bathroom. In children who postpone urination, more load is placed
on the pelvic floor muscles and the healthy functioning function of
these muscles is disrupted. This condition is accompanied by problems
such as urinary retention in the bladder and urinary tract infection.
– Constipation: Intestines filled with feces can compress the bladder,
causing a feeling of frequent urination in the child.
– Urinary Tract Infections
– Giggle incontinence: It is called when the child empties almost all of
his urine while laughing. Often this problem is caused by the weakness
of the pelvic floor muscles of children.
– Toilet training for children with developmental retardation or autism
may take longer than their peers . You can get more detailed
information about this topic from our blog posts.