This problem, known as bedwetting or enuresis nocturna, is defined as incontinence
during nighttime sleep in children older than 5 years according to the International
Children’s Continence Society (ICCS).
In cases where dry at night for less than 6 months, primary enuresis is differentiated, and
in cases where it remains dry for more than 6 months, it is divided into secondary
While some children only have bedwetting problems at night, this problem may also be
accompanied by daytime urinary incontinence in some children.
Bedwetting is a fairly common condition, affecting about 5-10 % of children under the age
of 10, while it affects 1.3% of older children. It is 2 times more likely to be seen in boys
than in girls.
Bedwetting at night must necessarily be treated. If left untreated, it can cause
psychological consequences that can affect a child’s social life, behavior, and emotional
state after a while. If daytime findings are added to the bedwetting problem at night, this
is a situation that should be given much more importance. If left untreated, it can cause
kidney dysfunctions.